Sunday, February 13, 2005

Reno Is Just An Afterglow Sitting In A Cheap Documentary Strait

I saw the film on Bukowski 'Born Into This', the theatre that it was shown in is the halmark of art cinema in Salt Lake City. It was a late showing and it had rained all day and all night. The interior of the cinema is dark gray with tourquise trim and dark green seats, its hard to see if your wasted even with the lights on. The seats are very uncomfortable they don't recline and their is no dolby surround. I thought I had the whole balcony to myself and then some drunks rolled in. One of them slipped and tripped and fell down the stairs. Did I say it was dark in here. I could smell the alcohol ten seats down and I remembered I had a mini-bottle of rum underneath the seat of my car from sundance. Probably wouldn't have even made my nose numb, I wished they sold marijuana over the counter at the movies, whats the harm. I was tired I had been driving I needed a spruce, to pine me up and shake the drizzle. I saw some young girls at the bottom, later I would recognize these people from various open mic. poetry readings and slams. During the movie Bukowski has a surprisingly soft voice and gentle eyes. I was expecting more of a strange behavoir and irreverant arrogance like the Mickey Rourke in Barfly. I liked the poetry though, mostly I get bored when I read Bukowski his work is like sitting in the same smelly room and I have a driving complex I just want to go. One time I went to a open mic. in Los Angeles and ended up in Anchorage, Alaska. Sometimes I can't stop driving. I've spent days and months in my car appearing and disappearing, I think I'm from Mars and its a spaceship. On the poetry circuit espicially in bars, Bukowski is god or maybe a nice devil, he seems pretty alright in this film and I wonder if he smokes weed. Personally I think the compositions of beat poets is mediocore I'm more into occult literature and french symbolism but Bukowski reminds me of chinese poets writing about the shit of everyday drudgery. I hear a girl say, all she reads is Bukowski the only hope of any poet. Their stuff on the open mic. is really not that original, who is? Not Bukowski i hear so much Whitman, just a little more bitter and drunk, at least he doesn't use rhymes. One thing I love about Bukowski transcending all those marvelous obstacles into a valiant war. Poets need their asses kicked and thier stomachs poisoned and their visions assassinated in front of them. I think if you want to be a poet that you should be required to do either two years in prison or seven years of hard labor without any therapy and if you grow up with really nice parents like me then your really in trouble. Poverty poetry freedom to do anything you want even murder. Poets should never whorship god and hope they have a personal freindship with the devil. They should have as many lovers as they want and should even consider bisexuality. Its in poetry even if your not, and it will still be in your poetry even if your not. Why? is a strange mystery, go ask lucifer who stole the fire from god and gave it to a poet. O yea Jesus Christ sacrifice was in vain for the poet, their is no savoir only experience of the best and extreme worst. Your better off with demons fucking with your dreams. Choose three things to own and thats it nothing else. I mean who is insane enough to give up everything to know words in a way that few can. There is a world in a word, what I mean is theirs everything, it could be just as real and alive as aunt Martha, even breathing. I say give it all up especially salvation, I dare ya.

Metal Flower

naming my foot
as a complete outcast numbering
not as migratory as birds unfortunately
persued by giant size dominos ruinous in reputation
you know all those thumbing guides I pointed to
turned alligator smart chasing me up a tree
until a doctor coaxed me down
running around to much
and not going anywhere
so much spider sense can warp liliaceous
the hungry dolls rip and roll
above the big blond blues darkening
rich toothpaste to eat
smelled like mints sprinkled
candy clovers
on my seat
attitude is reckless ignition
obvious I can't spell a world for you so doing this
cause they won't suck it or


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