Sunday, February 12, 2006


Theres a new ring tone on cell phones called, kill scott rabb. Hell, even jesus christ was a scape goat with everyone. Everything is lawyers and psychics along with the bullshit as a buffer zone, so redirect the black magic dish on somebody else's perspectives. Play keep away with everyone for a while and don't tell, so much for partners, so much for art, so much for the mother ship to a new paradise, in ten years if its still around, and my car isn't worth six grand. Everyday keeps it going dragging to keep up the broken down facade, I hate to drink beer except with Byron. And he's got a perfect aliabi in europe thats something like, a note worthy artist, at least he can make a film cause he's got the tools. ImagiNation is all there's left, over the daft pieces of dreaming paraphernalia. I got a really good interview that goes like this, birds fly in perfect formations, the limbs bounce ready for leafs, my contraband boots walk by themselves, a haircut that I'll never wash cause its cool.


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