Monday, March 07, 2005

Academic versus Me

I put this paragraph on but it didn't feel right so I went back to shirtless. Having just shaved my chest with a ladys razor makes me feel cool and sexy. From the mirror my darling you look fine, its good to have objects like this around. At the opening and closing of the gates of heaven can you take the part of a women the Tao says. Does that mean beauty or bitchy. Magick in my tease, a women walks in my store, I'm bronze, getting ready to put on the cobra and she says. Your book is really deep, do you find alot of other beatnik types in these parts. My word goes underappreciated because of cowboy poetry and college pricks that think. Scholars are good for one thing, like unraveling enigmas but let us create the word. I heard the comment that my espresso is aggressive but I'm proud just ask my mirror. Paris Hilton isn't the only one that looks like a super model ya know. The pot was good at Uncle Daves to get silly and shooting for hours along the desert highway, movement in composition, thats what my poetry is. I meet somebody new everyday, today its a billionare from boston he likes drugs, is it on my face, why do people make these kind of confessions. He's sixty and loves ecstasy thats why he lives in south east texas. Really, I say, can I get a candy clover4. No, instead I get advice about my finance just what I need, even though I'm broke as a witch in medieval times going backwards. So Jack can I have a valium I have a headache and it should be that easy, to get laid with a goddess. See how I move, my locomotive is fast and I'm inside every word. No appreciation for the word mother fuckers of the world. God girls love me cause I'm cool in my sunglasses. The problem that I have with todays poets pinksys brodskys and mcclatchys heironiemus clinton carter jack jim and jill, is that your dull and boring. The worst thing you can do to an artist is make them rich. Were shapeshifters and should be stretched to the edge. We should have no choice but to be versatile and our enemy dogma is our target. Throw a little fashion inside and you got the gypsy star, way out west, space funk, timo mast, next time poet, I'll let your tongue do the work, thats what she said and feels my trim. I'm always told that I have the lips of a angel, even when I'm not on. Originality who sucked it away could be our school time in a bleak or dumb american tastes or phenomenal television or briliant comic books or the dark movie house without grass or a chic. I'm the chic thats going to rock the world, I'm in touch with my woman cause I'm a bad poet and screw the spelling. To much time spent on the correct I'm here to make it wrong, I feel the symbolism in me. Last night getting stoned with gypsy dave I imagine what would happen if a deified came to earth and how the chain reaction like in the Metamorphosis turned beast into reasoning creatures and certain individuals into dangerous dionysians and apollos with all the raging goddess girls getting through teen angst and women that are now the moon and planets while watching the simpsons and getting the suspicious feeling that theirs a whole bad tribe of dudes, who want to crucify my star. When i left to explore back to my night place, Uncle Dave says 'be careful'.


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