'I'm a Narcissus just ask my range', last night or some night, she asks, 'you don't have much of a personality do you?'. I'm a minimalists, maybe its just my age and now I'm starting to see all the revolutionaries bottled up inside me, express itself with the youth. 'Mellow, your so mellow', with that weed inside. I thought this was the answer but Now its second thoughts past and used. I saw my agent she asks, what I've been doing with myself during the winter. Crashing Hollywood Partys is a weak association with Art, book sales, and just plane old creditability. 'Nothing ever works', back to normal I thought I had a decent run for something. But No its still pretty close to average like Christopher Sly's jokes on chronic synchronicity, tossing balls in the far flung fields. Egyptians worshipped animals as if they were gods and Indians called them brothers and sisters. I'm so close to the wild fauna that I think I lost it "All" under house arrest. O yea to my generation that snubbed me and has absolutely nothing to show for it except for stupid comedies, Fuck Off!!!!
Honestly we should have been so much farther than we are Now.
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