They Are The True Awards
I'm reading my book Blinding Sun for the seventh time and its absolute brilliance, like a book full od Van Gogh paintings with modern cyber relatives of Surrealism. That seems to be the favorite word for the ridiculous stupid these days. I'm going to be stidied in fifty years, my own room will have my intials of TSR for STaR. Scott Rabb mothefrucjers of the world that sit in there chairs and watch the Media youll nevr seen my showers of absolute Lysergic magikal, the real angel in this time and dust, o and the sacred mushroom that has been released in a monumental cloud. And you don't even know why ? You did it !! ALL OF YOU. And I say like the true prophet that you all fucking deserve it in muititudes. Take that as a Grammy speech ! I thank LSD, THC and a slinter of Lucifer along with Dionysus and the Elysien Mysterys of prophecy and the leading witch out there growing Henbane along with the creepers and psycecybin, O yea and of course it wouldn't be far to give a holla for my princely plant cannibus sativa and yes the peyote in the hoven when ran out !! That chanting drove my crazy ! Its has to be electro ! Read books ! There is a sacred library dispersed wide ! Remeber how to be mycelium like the cloud, blend and blend, if you really feel fucked go outside and look at the stars at night, they are the true awards.
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