There was no moderation i opened the bag in my gullet
I hate fucking weed now narcotics has bullied the slap across my exquisite face
and alcohol comes across the docile facade.
I love you more immense than my own demise, the river burns in great leaping flames
her God is a blanket in the excessive desert of yearning I'll die with you anywhere.
Crawl across my ears scorpoins of three stars in the black night, your dreams have injured
and dislocated me but I drink your shrine.
The heart is the only life span it keeps me in direct contact of the gloden shield of love
I never cry but I weep, with bright blood it drops and miraculous days melt with the sun.
Can we rise up from the Earth into the Sky to claim true freedom, is it all a lie, jealous of my sleep.
Control outrageous mindful wreckless desire and it crash's the bones into a concrete relic union of history, legends are born.
I'm going to dedicate my life into soil and research soul without a life jacket dedicated to the angelic reason of space.
Breath a flower in me cause I'm vast the chances are infinite without you it's meaningless my hand that makes future into reality.
The naked spine heel and belly nature constructed us well to wet the season lips and draw lucious eyes, kingdom intact across the prayer of ancient tongues, openess of arms that reaches
beyond imagination comprehends, we are like love conquests.
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