Thursday, July 03, 2008

Surreal Spumoni

To the King that has licked his last chop!
I've inscribed a new jaw bone to swing and its in my pants to gyrate
I wish I was as naked as your chin but I have weapons to top sleep on including the late night ensemble of liquid liquefier that napalms a mountian to ash.
Your deranged climate not mine bitch!
I was going to give you lessons but not I'm costly I've let my hair down into a amorous furl of nature!
Honey bees lick me espicially around the ankles,
Text me with a delicious sweet of rainbow of luscious tongue I forgot what your love was about.
Aggressive knife fight in my heart I kissed your wrist winning!
Only because I had the space in a collective angle along with distortion raw implemented implosion of what!
You can't name it I tried
I'm vulnerable you have to be passionate about life cause the time is going to rip you into shreads of an abosolute flag of yourself decadent skull.
I sing to your evaporated lips that was once there
In my own destructive way I crawl like the locust to eat all the leafs on the tree.
Cause its yummy and I want to skip to make you feel good am I a disaster
with ripped jeans.
Burn your breast on my desire and your strength will be multiplied
I've been about the Universe for a while and their afraid of me!
Cause I'm new every day that opens to day light offering of freedom from trickling words of poets that have died and grown into flower on graves that look like heros.
You know how to grapple me!
The most important ocean that can drown me !
Cause were gone just like that!


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