Deep Slip
Time to play the music and suck the suds until eternity drowns us with more!
We want it all bashful and exploited for dollar signs that crawl across your wrinkles
The Time For Freedom Is Now! The ice caps agree with my expenditures the move is on!
Want it not! Your fucking wife bitch cause she and he is a boring dolt just kiss the wet
lubricious act on the declaration of America sweet baby desire cause the rest is lies!
And excuses compounded to thick unbreachable air along with the tirade of surfing
the Mississippi, we all need new boards for the next year! Man! Make something that
flys in the air fuel efficient I'm tired of paying the dumb ass prices for stupid motherfuckers
Shit! We should all be birds by now! And watch the torrid heat burn the ridiculous plots of
ownership to be a screaming eagle with brutal lines explode! Smoke signals of past with this burn on my tongue. We've created so much phenomenal art we can't destroy it now! Don't let it!
Keep it with the fucking seed bank in NorwAY. I drown the lust of destruction with my wooden ladle ten billion trips screaming for attention! The Universe of everything in its minute glory!
I'm the one you want to recognize soon! Because then its to late and got loads of dreams instead so fuck off! Ha! You thought I was easy hunh, with your delicious offers on the extreme decadent redundant superficial enlightenment that the highly intelligent behold! A right of passage earned by? Yours truly falloing angels succumbed by rain and ruthless thunder that decapitates God.
Just followw my laughter over the edge you won't die! I promise.
Labels: Gypsy Poem
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