Monday, March 14, 2005

Back To Calling Myself A Lousy Artist

everything is chaos and don't tell me different, we create order cause its disturbing for us to know that its utterly useless just look at my window. Even a couch and television is exploding right now you just don't know it yet. The roads weave into space and back to sunshine evening driveways.You get out and the wind is breezy, calm with the tree limbs vacant of cash. Disorder abounds in huge revolutions and we only allow a little of it to witness with our perception cause we have to have something thats news worthy or our brains will travel to far and let the rabid bees out. You wouldn't believe me if I told you that a mountain lion is a different traveler than terriesterial man. Just let me lie in front of your camp fire with wine. Everything is so technical with the rocks. Have you just spoken one word today, outtage. I said I could make art out of anything even if it all breaks into a billion. A famous filmmaker tells me that its only good if its a commoditie. Graphic designs and coffe mugs, little quips on t-shirts to sell and then a comic book about your death. Hmmm, I can't even upload pictures into a stream as useless as leafs. The wind still reminds me when I walk out, how close it has become, since I stole the silver light. My black book of wonders is a joke about me in a coffee house while others are constantly in motion. A CURSE OR A VALUABLE TRADE OFF doesn't explain anything perfect about us. Hey Jo with her broken clavicle from landing wrong. Her weather shapped rugged hair blond and blue sky eyes. I have such sleepy talk about so much of nothing but thats what I'm hired to do. I need to be more wordly my fashion sucks and i need to crack the shell briliant art cause these words are just chesnuts.

Don't tell me about the spelling I don't give a fuck.


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