Beat Yal!
The worst in History yet! and what ever else there is to offfer! This I have! Is absolute freedom in special vibrations and I don't know what to do with it? but let my cherry velvet's hang like loose effervescent nuts of ardent lust and should I give it away! Hell No! This is my economic hack slaughter field of nudity blow earned money forthright kill and dead eye honest. A lot more I can say for most lame bloodsuckers or my tie is peachy. I'm self satisfied surfing through congested Gaia making stops for azurescens, cynascens or purplish liberty caption, spying on the Sunday Wave crash your joyous spume, beach of green snot weed and broken star and dirty bird I forgot you! And sacred bowl before the dry wheel spins out of pleasant snags and the bird leading Wizard Island I remember you from the dreams with its aquamarine ESP pools and electric force fields of natures sonic electric lip stick and thunder remote plains of wild horse run, even for a coyote shaman with the end of the world sticks and nothing in this fantasy trap tripping on my shambles you tricked me and frontier space saves me with a good right arm for all the revolutionary heap, not yet executed such as 'ooopassooo' hydraulics? From gravity PinK and the MaOI-A was a factitive lie, so tell me again about it? What is the symbol? T0king care of the shit or duncing in hot dork rooms designed for Me to cross and be a good sport.
Labels: Stripper Poem
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