Onomatopoeic Eyebrows
Poets are shit thats why you will never see one with the ornithophilous hours away from starving. I don't need to convince you cause I don't fucking care stand up's have those nose's like comic parrots, I'll just grab what I need chicks are cowards when it comes to getting suckers lobelia torch lily favorites the velocimetry is not right for fucking hard imprints of coffin love. Your book like mine does nothing against the sweeping vocabulary of art drive into the barricade and break the law with torpor speed metal. Screaming chants from Earth and electric twine noise!
We need more cause theirs is lame judgements from flabby bottoms not fit for the relish sweet costant inspiration's that fall off the relic limb. Can I have some of your salivia in my blood from suckling flowers jewelry is liquid wet a loqacious humming bird wreckless migrating through foolish stations for thrilling fun. I only did it for fun! Thats why I write so funny cause the cloud laughed when I was high exasperated on the grave screaming sonnets at you all. Its the only thing that makes me laugh anymore tight fitting categories for books. Splendid friend when you taste the sweet from the crack of a flower be sure not to get pissed on that was just for you! Your a lemon in a bowl like the literate ones that teach the World boring things. I thought we could be friends but I was wrong cause my wild eye is hungry for beauty that makes most people nervous about the Devil. I don't care really cause I'm a decent wrestler and serious kisser with pollinator lips what do I have to fear of from anything?
Labels: Hummingbird Poem
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