Monday, April 18, 2005

We Don't Last Long

Profound beauty has the essence of extreme sadness and poets whorship it not knowing. You can never possess freedom from a gypsy star because they will vanish or it will vanish. This ideal is unaccessible, except it gives some an excuse to write or create. My question is why? Whats the point to, even to cash in. I mean, whats that point to have a big swimming pool and people telling you how wonderful you are. Do you really believe them when their smiling like they just swallowed shit like it tastes like caviare. Artist now create for an audience, thats their motive cause they want to entertain or enlighten, on the meaning of life? What if I said I don't write for you, I write against you cause I write exclusively for myself. Would you call it suicide I do. Whats wrong with going in your prime anyways choice of freedom cause thats the truth. We don't last long. Pause and think about it. We don't last long. I know a bad confession that priests are afraid of. Thats why I think Lucifer is the most honest angel in the Universes, Christ everlasting. For enigmas and sorcerers theres no other choice, its not even an option its a gargantuan. My humour is dead as a door nail, whatever that means, nothing, oblivian is a flower and zombies eat flowers, see it on my next t-shirt, buisness card, movie, book, goood luck fuck. Finally someone is telling it old age that! Is the biggest fucking joke on mankind, ladys, boys and girls, friendlies and cockspinners, O I Might of meant spiders. Squashed. I bought a dream catcher from a Navaho but then I just realized that I'm a dream crasher. I can't help it, chaos just throws me in like us all! Helpless like your going to die, so throw a big party and invite me or lucifer, were pretty much the same except my humanity or whats left, tell me has anyone seen carlos lately I want to know if he's kissed the sun yet, a few years ago I saw jim morrison at a open mic. he's alive well not here. So I'm going to oblivion with all my flaws, or I usually say flavours. How about, I need my loose ends in order to survive. Which-ever! It doesn't matter to me.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Scott Razor

April fucking Fool Posted by Hello