Wednesday, February 15, 2006


probable cause Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Butch Cassidy was the words greatest criminal. I was born in the same County as Butch Cassidy in Southern Utah. I was raised in Price were Cassidy would hit a bank there, in fact, one the members of his gang would end up becoming the sheriff after prison and it wasn't Sundance. Cassidy became an outlaw after he was unfairly sentenced to prison for stealing some cattle. American politicians and stiff uncomprising laws turned this dude into one of the most determined and smartest outlaws in the history of the old west. My theory in nature has been, there's always an exception to the rule, I'm not a criminal, I have to much chivalry for that shit. I don't think theres anything wrong with partying until dawn like those chromo-babys though, driving a little fucked up at night. I don't think theres anything wrong with smoking marijuana too, eating magic mushrooms in the desert, the trance of mystic union. I hope Mckenna is right about the end of history, worlds spilling into ours, alien technology slipping through the seams, inter-galactic highways. I get this enormous nano-bulge from my dreams at night, they show me how ridiculous your world Is. This can be a great tactic though, for bringing the American government down on its knees.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Theres a new ring tone on cell phones called, kill scott rabb. Hell, even jesus christ was a scape goat with everyone. Everything is lawyers and psychics along with the bullshit as a buffer zone, so redirect the black magic dish on somebody else's perspectives. Play keep away with everyone for a while and don't tell, so much for partners, so much for art, so much for the mother ship to a new paradise, in ten years if its still around, and my car isn't worth six grand. Everyday keeps it going dragging to keep up the broken down facade, I hate to drink beer except with Byron. And he's got a perfect aliabi in europe thats something like, a note worthy artist, at least he can make a film cause he's got the tools. ImagiNation is all there's left, over the daft pieces of dreaming paraphernalia. I got a really good interview that goes like this, birds fly in perfect formations, the limbs bounce ready for leafs, my contraband boots walk by themselves, a haircut that I'll never wash cause its cool.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Breed

This wrinkled dick regime of bureaucracy is uptight and doesn't allow for much change, here we stand as a evolved people from apes and this democracy can't even change an appointment or hearing, these aristocractic legislature and senate that runs our fucking lifes for us is so rigid in its own arrogance that people are herded in through its system like an assembly line for circuit boards and face lifts, why? cause I've done it. And these pricks think that this is going to work for the future, start subscribing to anarchy Now! cause your creating a new breed of terrorism and outlawery and sorcery and rebellion and pathos and logos and science and alien. I'm your new born again mother fucker! Tell that to the president, computer.

Friday, February 03, 2006


winterfest and feast Posted by Picasa