Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hello Me

Their all up in a tizzy fit the WFM maybe paranoia with all the designer drugs, do you think they have a president drug, certainly drugs for the King and who is King. Lees a King cause he's a buisness man and Unckle D because he's skilled and Me ? My unique case in question. Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium also Amanita muscaria and some of the other little Amanita's also The Fading Scarlet Waxy Cap. Ginko longest surviving plant that they synthesize ephedirin Basalt molten rock and the Allosaurus at the museum in Price the town that I grew up. Explolatory canyons in the San Raffel Swells and the legend of the lost Josephine when the Indians hijacked the Spanish. Marsh grasses with amazing flowers like the Lotus Lily and close relative the highly psychotropic the Water Lily ? Perhaps Sphalerite and Magnetite as well as Pyrite from the earthly shperes and cloud witching for the atomosphere abrupt weather change ? The Toxic Magicians suggest that pure oblivian is good for our species in producing newer forms probably starts in the consciousness gold peppers. But I kind of like my job standing in apatch of fields while the White Pelicans flew by. Now I think I'll start studying the DEA and look for cracks that a insect can slip threw on a whimsey about absolute freedom inside the infrastruture of mna made traps.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Give The Mesmeric Juice Some Lemon Bite

So my chemistry is a little sloppy but my eyes are complete synthesis of hydroponic rays and translucent space MDMA and the rye fields are creating their own brand of nitrogen hydrate. The stupid bitches still have shit for brains and the white mother fuckers are still losing the War on my safrole boots and the multi-layer cunt plant is still rooted in your dreams and the night is wild with novelities that confound the block heads with thier square proprietorships and techno is my sulfuric saffire biting trance that tantrics spew and professor your art is craps and america go fucks itself your culture is a waste of raw sewage and free it up !! With your goddamn spires you billionare bombs. when is somebody going to get it ! Where are your claviceps ? or
Hows your revolution sweet heart !
