Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Colored Beads

I'm that braclet that I gave you
From the raven with my name
From the waves that whorship your feet
The wind that mingles with your thoughts
Fire that I had and made flame
To meet me with your glorious eyes
My instinct alone is what brought me
To a lavender cheek
Lips that devour my love
Breasts more natural than rain
You're the reason why I walked forever
Slept by trees
Composed my first poem
Broke from the world
Set out alone
Wrestled with an angel in the fallen leafs
I'm still that wild bird
With a russet crown
And chestnut eyes
Lips with your name
Entangled in your hair
We both die into each other

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Scott Wildfire

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