Monday, May 01, 2006

Not Since Mozart

God!!! Its been a while since I've got highlighted with a moon beam. I remember those forays into Nevada and that interesting chic named Sadie sitting in a Bordello, in the middle of nowhere. So much like the tumbleweed the wind was still rustling my split ends everywhere. The Heiress was a little cautious cause I guessed I looked a little fucked up being in the earth, living like a cat with an alter ego of a fallen angel. Sometimes my eyes glow and it spooks them when I'm totally reborn or otherwise its just the solitude of the waterfall inside like the one in Dark Canyon by Moab, with nothing but the buzzards flying around my beer. Why are you so ordinary ? Is a very common question about people with their day to day behavoir. Were stripped of all our freedom and we don't even Know it, 'whats going to shake us out of it I wonder'. Me and my friend thats not here yet! Hasn't been around for a while, I wonder where he is. His name is Diamond Dan he hopped a UFO on a death defying trip and said he would be back. Haven't seen him for a while.


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